Here are three of my horoscopes for this week. All stars point to yarn.
#1- This means you, Twisty Turns.
"Though goals help you move forward, not everything has, is, or should be a goal. The item that's been riding on your to-do list for ages now can safely be deleted, even if you never complete it."
#2- Little does this man know that one can knit a voodoo doll.* Revenge + craft = deep satisfaction.
"You could exact your revenge today - if you wanted to. Or, you could wait to see if you still feel vengeful tomorrow. The latter choice gives you time for golfing or sewing or painting or . . . "
#3- Heap big thanks to my Fairy Godsisters and -brother. For those new to the stories, see why here and here.
"If you believe in magic, it happens. You'll get a platform to speak your wishes and state your cause. You have many fans, and a least one is in a high position. Let this person help you."
In the spirit of #3, I'd like to pass the word along about Cara's new project. Go forth and buy livestock, 'cause it feels so good.
Now, who out there can guess the Fricknits astrological sign? I've got a prize for the first one (no Hannys or Birds need apply) who guesses! Oh, and to win, you have to tell me why you think so. No slacking here at Fricknits.
* Someone out there whose blog I read just made one of these. If it's you, please tell me! I want to link you, but I'm not on my own computer where I have you bookmarked!
Thanks Julie! For everything!
Posted by: Cara | May 27, 2006 at 12:08 PM
Well I am going to say Leo because that is what I am. I never follow horoscopes though so I could be way off. We do have a lot of the same tastes though...hmmm.
Posted by: Lisa | May 27, 2006 at 04:17 PM
I'm guessing Gemini because of the duality. Hmmm...or maybe Libra for the need to find some sort of balance. There is conflict in each of those horoscopes that seems to require compromise. Dunno.
Posted by: SpiderWomanKnits | May 27, 2006 at 05:38 PM
Scorpio (who else needs guidance about VENGENCE?!?)or possibly Virgo (all that talk about goals!!
Your exact date/time of birth and location would be a BIG help, though :).
Posted by: Jo | May 28, 2006 at 07:49 AM
To do list not completed? Strong need for vengeance? Belief in magic? Tons of wishes and a cause? Check, check, check, check. Scorpio, hands down. Just like I am. :)
Posted by: lorinda | May 28, 2006 at 01:40 PM
I'm gonna say Leo because I'm one, even though I'm not into astrological signs. Plus, you teach Language Arts and I was a high school English teacher. Oh, and I like to knit like you do. I love your idea of an after school knitting group. I wish I'd been interested in knitting back when I taught. I would have loved to start a knitting group.
Posted by: Robyn | May 28, 2006 at 08:56 PM
I'm going to go with Virgo because of the first horoscope that says not everything should be a goal. They're always saying that to Virgos. I should know: I am one!
Posted by: Passions & Distractions | May 29, 2006 at 10:44 AM