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first, the asterisks stand in for bold typeface when it is unavailable--but as writers, we know it's better to rely upon phrasing than formatting to get a point across. (me, I use excalamation points exclusively for sarcasm. okay, kidding, but it was the case yesterday.) also, today I am eschewing most capitalization.

next. were I your secret pal (and I am not, as I am not in on the sp thang), I would be putting some Yo La Tengo, Be Good Tanyas and Sleater Kinney on a soundtrack for you. I think you can take it. I think you might even like it.
(I just realized that to avoid the lowercase problem, I can start all sentences with "I", which for some reason I am capitalizing today. However (hey), I would sound like a total jackass. Hm, that point is long gone... good thing I just randomly started capitalizing properly in this meaningless parenthetical comment-within-a-comment.)


i also read asterisks-bracketed words as emphasis, but a friendlier, chattier version of boldface. for me, it's just plain emphasis, no particular flavor, so it can be ironic or sincere depending on context.

have a good SP9!


I really enjoy your sense of humor LOL and I like your choice in music! I was tagged to do a 10 songs, may I tag you? Mr. Frick is off the chain cutie pie! I sooo miss my kids being that age...


For what it's worth I store my circs in what would otherwise be a despised Microsoft Licensing CD folder. The 'right' kind of CD envelopes are perfect for holding coiled Addi/Inox needles. There are pictures up on my blog in early July.

Asterisks? What the others said. I first encountered it on Usenet newsgroups.


I have the Knit Picks Options set, the Denise set of interchangeables, and a 30-year-old set of Boye interchangeables, and my favorite by far is the Denise. It is so, so easy to change the needle. The others have metal needles that screw onto the cable and require using a little wire key thingy to tighten them. And even so, they loosen occasionally. The Denise needles are plastic and attach to the cables with a quarter-turn. No scrounging for the little wire thingy, no twisttwisttwist to screw them on.

As in all things, though, YMMV.


here's a tip -- I keep my circs in a soft plastic file folder that I bought in the office supplies section of Target. It is not one of those gigantic ones, but one designed to hold business checks. It holds the Addi sleeves perfectly.


The cruelest day was when the doctor told me to lay off the wine and cheese if I wanted the migraines to subside. Even crueler when he mentioned that nuts and chocolate should bid adieu as well.

Ditto to kmkat on the Denise. I use them so often that I rarely if ever use the straights and the other circs (although I like my Addis just fine). A woman at my Weight Watchers meeting was introduced to them over the weekend . . . and she told me that she would teach me to knit Continental if I brought larger ones next time. I think I may have sold her on the Denises and she on me with the Continental.

As a personal aside, thank goodness you were born on the 11th (Falwell be damned, and he probably is). Otherwise you would share a birthday with the sister-who-must-not-be-named.

Passions & Distractions

You have just introduced me to my new favorite holiday! Fudge!

j a r e d

two things:

first and most importantly, the word 'colorway' freaks the shit out of me. no idea why, but i always get that uncomfortable shiver down my spine when people use it (esepcially in the rare occasions that I (am forced to) use it... shudder) there are a few words in english that do this to me, a few happen to reside in the knitting vocabulary. of course right now i can't think of any specific words. just a silent litany of 'colorway' resounding in my brain... ugh.

next, your posts really make me laugh aloud, which is a great thing! especially when i'm pretending to act professional at my job (whilst reading knitblogs).


"colorway" doesn't freak me out but it does puzzle me and only use it when forced to.

and i agree with jared. you are indeed a hoot.

have fun with SP9

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