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So much better, really, than those pasteboard McMansions that pass for beach houses now. I knew a place like yours, at Myrtle Beach: it belonged to one of my best friends' grandparents, and Hugo blew it away just weeks before her bridesmaids were going to stay there for her wedding weekend. Hoping your house stays where it belongs - on the sand, and in your family.


I'm going to need to know the details of that placket pullover. I tried to start one about a month ago and had issues...


reminds me of memories of beach cottages i grew up going to. when we were really little we went to my great uncle's cottage in nags head. it still belongs to various members of the family and my sister and i stayed there for beach week after college graduation. it was still the same nonairconditioned, little nothing cottage and it wasn't very close to where all my friends were staying, but i loved being there because of all the memories it brought back. as we got older we started going to long beach, nc where my grandmother rented a cottage for three weeks every summer. each week, different parts of the family would go and stay with her. for most of our childhood, we stayed at a little cottage called the wicker basket. it had the lovely wood paneled walls and snails in the outdoor shower, but we loved it. it was full of memories and family and fun. we still go to long beach every summer for a week for a family reunion and although we don't stay at the wicker basket, we still rent a dumpy little cottage with wood paneling and cheap bedspreads and plastic-framed shell prints on the wall. we are still making memories full of family and fun. it's so cool for my little man to be a part of it now. my only regret is that our new cottage doesn't have a great outdoor shower complete with snails. maybe we'll find another one of those soon. happy beaching and memory-making!

Joy Rogers

i just got back from a vacation in avon - it's so beautiful in that area and i do hope you can hang on to the cottage!

cristina - string*THEORY

interesting + funny + heartwarming.

Miss Scarlett

I hope you will be able to save your cabin. It's so precious to have shared family spaces like yours.
"Some death with your breakfast?" LOL
My grandparents home held some truly racist knick knacks of the Mammy/Sambo type - amazing how things can change in a relatively short amount of time.
I am with you on lowering our modern day emphasis on antiseptic/bacterial immaculate homes. Homes should be places where people (especially children) are welcome to do the business of living.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.


we had a cabin that we visited every year when we were kids. when my oldest was born i went CRAZY mopping the place so she wouldn't get dirty knees and laying down blankets on the hot deck so that she wouldn't get splinters...thank god that by the end of the trip i relaxed and let her have fun, get dirty and splintered and make those wonderful memories. someone must've given me a drink.....
hope all goes well with your cabin...


I'm really really tired. Adrenaline receding and all that. SAVE THE CABIN! is my rallying cry. I hope a rallying cry helps.



I'm really really tired. Adrenaline receding and all that. SAVE THE CABIN! is my rallying cry. I hope a rallying cry helps.


brenda in toronto

"Some death with your breakfast?" = coffee snorted out my nose!

i hope you can keep your cabin... fond childhood memories are precious


Save the cabin! Sounds like a wonderful place :) The sweater is adorable!


oh my, the cabin MUST STAY. I'm witnessing those memories taking root in my girls' growing minds and it's wonderful to realize just what is taking place, and what we as parents are giving them.


Ok, that "aka" has to be the best summing-up of a post EVER.
I really hope you can hold on to your beach house, but if not, just remember that whatever memories you make with your little ones will be just as firmly part of that-which-has-always-been for them as that cabin is for you.

Christy / Not Hip

These posts make me miss the Outer Banks so much. I missed my annual family vacation there for the first year last summer, but I'll be able to make it this summer! I just have to wait until August.

Dorothy B

Ah, for the days of playing peacefully on the beach and going back to a dark, ancient and a little decrepit cabin to eat and sleep in blissful ignorance of cleanliness. We didn't have jellies to worry about, but the leeches were vile enough and so was pouring salt on them to get them off. Ouch!

I hope you get to keep the cabin and take the children out every year until they are old enough to take their children.


Beautiful post.

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