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My birthday is next Friday ... if I'm not off bedrest by then I think I shall try a wee pout and trembling lip and see what it gets me.

Kaitie Tee

Happy Birthday! The cake sounds fantastic.


Happy Birthday early! Hope you get lots more cake!


Happy birthday! Are you crazy, giving away the non-edible chocolate cherry confection? That is gorgeous!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! Mine is today and I'm posting a contest to celebrate! It's just as much fun to give as to receive!

Oh--watched An Inconvenient Truth a few months ago--sobering to say the least. It's another 'everyone must watch AND understand'.

Keep eating cake!


happy (early) birthday! and Heidelberg is SO worth it -- I love their cakes. Mmm. Enjoy the birthday weekend!


Today is my birthday, my husband is gone for 4 days. But I'm not a pouter. Maybe I should whine?

If it got me that cake, I would try it. Happy b'day to [all of] you!


A Leo, it makes so much sense. And you share my mom's birthday, which means that you are incredibly solid in every way!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! Oh, that cake looks delicious. Another one for the snacking category, eh?


Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a great time (you don't need your toes for that!) And many many more!

Happy Birthday :)

Karen B.

Wonder Triplets explosion? I doubt the world can stand it! Happy Birthday sweetie :o)


Happy birthday!


Aw, don't cry. Your bloggy friends will be with you - in spirit at least!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

That Fiberlicious photo is delicious. As I read this post I am knitting a sock in a very similar Claudia's colorway.

Lynn in Tucson

Blessed be! Tears of joy only! Happy Birthday!


Ooh!! Happy Birthday!! As a master pouter myself, I'd say you got a good technique by the size of those flowers and cake!! good goin' ;-) Feel better!


Happy early birthday! You Leo ladies are a force not to be ignored.


Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day to yourself.


Happy early birthday! August is one of my favorite months with birthdays and anniversaries. Enjoy your day . . . like you enjoyed the cake!


We'll see how the desert I have planned lives up... but alas, no matching yarn without a stash dive. See you soon!


Happy Birthday! I hope you get a proper celebration when Mr. F gets back!


Happy birthday!


Remind me to pout *in advance* of my birthday next year, not just the morning/day of.

Happy one-day-early birthday, m'dear.

Octopus Knits

Happy birthday! Mines on Sunday : )

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