It was two years ago that I started this blog- right after Maryland Sheep and Wool '06. Boy, has a lot happened since then.
Biscuit grew up.
Fricklet appeared on the scene.
I edited an edition of Yarnival, hosted some contests, won some contests, joined Flickr, joined Ravelry, knit a whole mess of stuff, learned some basic crochet, fended off the urge to spin (though a certain someone who shall remain nameless has designated herself my spinny godmother/pusher), ran Ravelraiser ($71,000! $71,000!!), opened an Etsy shop...what am I missing?
Oh, yes- I've made SO many friends...who have never actually seen me in person.
(Gloria cowl in Knittery Sock yarn won in one of the aforementioned contests from Nora Raveled here.)
I think I could get away without being recognized at MDSW pretty easily. And it's tempting. After all, in person I'm way awkward and nervous and dorky. I've only ever shown my face once or twice around here, and you'd have to dig to find those posts. But my cover's gonna totally be blown because El Biscuit-o is going to be my escort, and he's pretty hard to disguise (though a tiny mustache would be AWESOME, no?). So I'll see you there! And the world will finally know the truth-
I do, in fact, have a forehead.
PS- New set is up in the shop, and it's my favorite so far! Take a peek: Treat Yourself.